
Saturday, January 17, 2015

FZ1 Pazzo Racing Levers

January 17, 2015

As a final winter upgrade, inspired by a bent clutch lever I replaced the FZ1's OEM levers with Pazzo Racing levers. I'm usually not into "bling" (decorative upgrades), but these are really nice levers that go well with the OEM black bars.  They do have an easy adjustment switch feature that is nicer than the stock levers.

Pazzo levers
The FZ1 levers are PN# F-14 brake and Y-688 clutch.  Note that they are quite a bit shorter than OEM levers.

OEM clutch lever

Installation takes 10 - 15 minutes.  Simply unbolt the OEM lever with a 10mm socket.  The brake lever also requires a flat screwdriver to unscrew it from the top.  Clean bolts, regrease them, bolt in new levers.  Threading the clutch cable into the new lever is straightforward.

Pazzo brake lever
Pazzo clutch lever

Brake lever detail
Clutch lever detail

Riding Impression

As the levers are shorter the action is more abrupt than the OEM levers and takes a bit of getting used to.  The first thing I did was back down the driveway and stall the bike.  Also it's not possible to get more than 3 fingers on the levers.  This has not been a problem so far.  After a few rides they feel natural but there is a brief period where they're a bit clumsy.

Edit 2015-11-21: Unfortunately after about a year with the short levers I succumbed to wrist and shoulder pain in my clutch arm. So I had to replace the Pazzo levers with OEM. If I can find regular length Pazzo levers I'll get those, but there are more important mechanical issues at the momement.

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