
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Alaska: Day Three

Yale, BC to Prince George, BC

06/14/2010, 384 miles

We set out a bit late and found a little convenience store/deli across from the campground. Yummy cinnamon rolls and sandwiches for the road. Scenery continued to be spectacular and the weather was perfect. We were delayed by a lot of road construction and waited in line quite a bit.

Highway 97 follows the Fraser River on this stretch and there were some nice views.

Checking mileage

Stopped for gas at an unincorporated area called 100 Mile House. Exchanged more Dollars US for Canadian dollars at Bank of Montreal and went to the grocery store to look for a bottle of wine to go with dinner. No wine in the grocery store. Next door was a BC Licensed Liquor Store, where they explained to us that alcohol is only available for carry-out in BC Licensed Liquor Stores from 10am - 5pm. There were Cold Beer & Wine stores open a bit later, which as expected sold beer & wine.

Pulling into a gas stop in Quesnel we had our first technical problem: the SV650 wouldn't start. Apparently the battery was low and I was worried the charging system had died. Janna said she'd be using her heated vest a lot and suspected that was the problem. We rolled it down a hill and got it started, and decided we'd try to get as far as Prince George where I knew there were a few motorcycle shops. However at this point the itinerary was shot and I was concerned about being 1800 miles from home with a dead bike.

We pulled into Prince George late, found a hotel, and located two shops to call first thing in the morning.

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